Saturday, February 11, 2006

two designs

Peter & VivieThis design was specially ordered by Vivie. She asked for a pink-coloured design, since it's her favourite color and, in addition, she asked her photos to be on the design. So here we go... No additional pictures, but I used various brushes that I downloaded from various sites.

Schuur FamThis one is a special modification of the design I made for Noni. Since Wiwin asked personally to Noni's mum about this matter, so I agreed to make this one for her. So, two doras for The Schuur. Seems like Wiwin likes dora so much! :)

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous5:07 am

    Salam Kenal tante sherly......Btw aku mau donk tante buatain blog yang
    lucu u/ diblog ku karena anak ku suka banget sama dora tks tante sherly
